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Disclaimer: This passage contains notes and insights gathered from the internet. The content is used for educational purposes and attributed to the original authors. I do not claim any ownership over the material.

Debugging with GDB

GDB Start

When debugging a program, it helps to compile it with the -g option, which adds extra debugging information to the binary executable file. This extra information helps the debugger find program variables and functions in the binary executable and enables it to map machine code instructions to lines of C source code (the form of the program that the C programmer understands). Also, when compiling for debugging, avoid compiler optimizations (for example, do not build with -O2). Compiler-optimized code is often very difficult to debug because sequences of optimized machine code often do not clearly map back to C source code. Although we cover the use of the -g flag in the following sections, some users may get better results with the -g3 flag, which can reveal extra debugging information.

$ gcc -g myprog.c
$ gdb a.out
(gdb) # the gdb command prompt

$ gdb -tui a.out
(gui) # the gui gdb cmd prompt

Sometimes, when a program terminates with an error, the operating system dumps a core file containing information about the state of the program when it crashed.

$ gdb core a.out
(gdb) where # the where command shows point of crash

GDB Commands


The display command asks GDB to automatically print out the same set of program variables every time a breakpoint is hit.

(gdb) display i
1: i = 1
(gdb) display max
2: max = 17
(gdb) display array1[i]
3: array1[i] = 21

(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 2, findAndReturnMax (array1=0x7fffffffe290, len=5, max=21)
at badprog.c:27
27 max = array1[i];
1: i = 2
2: max = 21
3: array1[i] = 44

The where (or bt, for “backtrace”, or backtrace) GDB command prints the current state of the stack.

(gdb) where
#0 findAndReturnMax (array1=0x7fffffffe290, len=5, max=17) at badprog.c:21
#1 0x0000555555554810 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe398) at badprog.c:40

GDB’s frame command moves into the context of any frame on the stack. Within each stack frame context, a user can examine the local variables and parameters in that frame. In this example, we move into stack** frame 1** (the caller’s context) and print out the values of the arguments that the main() function passes to findAndReturnMax() (for example, arr and max):

(gdb) frame 1
#1 0x0000555555554810 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe398) at badprog.c:40
40 if ( findAndReturnMax(arr, 5, max) != 0 ) {

(gdb) print arr
$1 = {17, 21, 44, 2, 60}

(gdb) print max
$2 = 17

ptype it will print out the type of a variable.

(gdb) ptype i
type = int
(gdb) ptype string
type = char *
(gdb) ptype &i
type = int *

finish the command will be used in the function, then return to the caller and stop.
Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 09.12.06.png

GDB Commands in Detail


  • help Help documentation for topics and GDB commands.
help <topic or command>   Shows help available for topic or command

help breakpoints Shows help information about breakpoints
help print Shows help information about print command
  • break Set a breakpoint.
break <func-name>   Set breakpoint at start of function <func-name>
break <line> Set breakpoint at line number <line>
break <filename:><line> Set breakpoint at <line> in file <filename>

break main Set breakpoint at beginning of main
break 13 Set breakpoint at line 13
break gofish.c:34 Set breakpoint at line 34 in gofish.c
break main.c:34 Set breakpoint at line 34 in main.c
  • run Start running the debugged program from the beginning.
run <command line arguments>

run Run with no command line arguments
run 2 40 100 Run with 3 command line arguments: 2, 40, 100
  • continue (cont) Continue execution from breakpoint

  • step (s) Execute the next line(s) of the program’s C source code, stepping into a function if a function call is executed on the line(s).

step          Execute next line (stepping into a function)
step <count> Executes next <count> lines of program code

step 10 Executes the next 10 lines (stepping into functions)

If a line contains a function call, lines of the called function are counted in the count total of lines to step through

  • next (n) Similar to the step command, but it treats a function call as a single line.
next            Execute the next line
next <count> Executes next <count> instructions
  • until Execute the program until it reaches the specified source code line number.

  • quit Exit GDB

  • list or l List program source code.

list                Lists next few lines of program source code
list <line> Lists lines around line number <line> of program
list <start> <end> Lists line numbers <start> through <end>
list <func-name> Lists lines around beginning of function <func-name>

list 30 100 List source code lines 30 to 100
  • where (backtrace, bt) Show the contents of the stack (the sequence of function calls at the current point in the program’s execution).

  • frame <frame-num> Move into the context of stack frame number . As a default, the program is paused in the context of frame 0, the frame at the** top** of the stack.

frame <frame-num>   Sets current stack frame to <frame-num>
info frame Show state about current stack frame

frame 3 Move into stack frame 3's context (0 is top frame)


  • enable, disable, ignore, delete, clear Enable, disable, ignore for some number of times, or delete one or more breakpoints.
disable <bnums ...>    Disable one or more breakpoints
enable <bnums ...> Enable one or more breakpoints
ignore <bpnum> <num> Don't pause at breakpoint <bpnum>
the next <num> times it's hit
delete <bpnum> Delete breakpoint number <bpnum>
delete Deletes all breakpoints
clear <line> Delete breakpoint at line <line>
clear <func-name> Delete breakpoint at function <func-name>

info break List breakpoint info (including breakpoint bnums)
disable 3 Disable breakpoint number 3
ignore 2 5 Ignore the next 5 times breakpoint 2 is hit
enable 3 Enable breakpoint number 3
delete 1 Delete breakpoint number 1
clear 124 Delete breakpoint at source code line 124
  • condition Set conditions on breakpoints.
condition <bpnum> <exp>    Sets breakpoint number <bpnum> to break
only when expression <exp> is true

break 28 Set breakpoint at line 28 (in function play)
info break Lists information about all breakpoints
Num Type Disp Enb Address What
1 breakpoint keep y 0x080483a3 in play at gofish.c:28

condition 1 (i > 1000) Set condition on breakpoint 1


  • print (p) Display the value of an expression.
print <exp>     Display the value of expression <exp>

p i print the value of i
p i+3 print the value of (i+3)

// different formats
print <exp> Print value of the expression as unsigned int
print/x <exp> Print value of the expression in hexadecimal
print/t <exp> Print value of the expression in binary
print/d <exp> Print value of the expression as signed int
print/c <exp> Print ASCII value of the expression
print (int)<exp> Print value of the expression as unsigned int

print/x 123 Prints 0x7b
print/t 123 Print 1111011
print/d 0x1c Prints 28
print/c 99 Prints 'c'
print (int)'c' Prints 99

// pointer
print *(int *)0x8ff4bc10 Print int value at address 0x8ff4bc10
print *ptr Print the int value pointed to by ptr

// hardware
print $eax Print the value stored in the eax register
  • x (examine memory) Display the contents of a memory location. This command is similar to print, but it interprets its argument as an address value that it dereferences to print the value stored at the address.
x <memory address expression>

x 0x5678 Examine the contents of memory location 0x5678
x ptr Examine the contents of memory that ptr points to
x &temp Can specify the address of a variable
(this command is equivalent to: print temp)

In general, x takes up to three formatting arguments (x/nfu <memory address>)

  1. n: the repeat count (a positive integer value)
  2. f: the display format (s: string, i: instruction, x: hex, d: decimal, t: binary, a: address, …)
  3. u: the units format (number of bytes) (b: byte, h: 2 bytes, w: 4 bytes, g: 8 bytes)
x/d   ptr       Print value stored at what ptr points to, in decimal
x/a &ptr Print value stored at address of ptr, as an address
x/wx &temp Print 4-byte value at address of temp, in hexadecimal
x/10dh 0x1234 Print 10 short values starting at address 0x1234, in decimal

x/4c s1 Examine the first 4 chars in s1
0x40062d 72 'H' 101 'e' 108 'l' 108 'l'

x/s s1 Examine memory location associated with var s1 as a string
0x40062d "Hello There"

x/wd s1 Examine the memory location assoc with var s1 as an int
(because formatting is sticky, need to explicitly set
units to word (w) after x/s command sets units to byte)
0x40062d 72

x/8d s1 Examine ASCII values of the first 8 chars of s1
0x40062d: 72 101 108 108 111 32 84 104
  • whatis show the type of an expression.
whatis <exp>       Display the data type of an expression

whatis (x + 3.4) Displays: type = double
  • set assign/change the value of a program variable, or assign a value to be stored at a specific memory address, or in a specific machine register.
set <variable> = <exp>   Sets variable <variable> to expression <exp>

set x = 123 * y Set var x's value to (123 * y)
  • info lists information about program state and debugger state.
help info       Shows all the info options
help status Lists more info and show commands

info locals Shows local variables in current stack frame
info args Shows the argument variable of current stack frame
info break Shows breakpoints
info frame Shows information about the current stack frame
info registers Shows register values
info breakpoints Shows the status of all breakpoints


Run Valgrind

Valgrind runs the Memcheck tool by default; we depend on this default behavior in the code snippets that follow.

  • You can explicitly specify the Memcheck tool by using the --tool=memcheck option. In later sections, we will invoke other Valgrind profiling tools by invoking the --tool option.
  • To view details of individual memory leaks, use the --leak-check=yes option.
$ gcc -g valgrindbadprog.c
$ valgrind -v ./a.out

# re-direct valgrind (and a.out) output to file 'output.txt'
$ valgrind -v ./a.out >& output.txt

# view program and valgrind output saved to out file
$ vim output.txt


Parse Valgrind

==31059== Invalid write of size 1
==31059== at 0x4006C5: foo (valgrindbadprog.c:29)
==31059== by 0x40079A: main (valgrindbadprog.c:56)
==31059== Address 0x52045c5 is 0 bytes after a block of size 5 alloc'd
==31059== at 0x4C2DB8F: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/...)
==31059== by 0x400660: foo (valgrindbadprog.c:18)
==31059== by 0x40079A: main (valgrindbadprog.c:56)
  • ==31059==: Each line of Valgrind output is prefixed with the process’s ID (PID) number (31059 in this example)
  • Valgrind errors and warnings Format:
    • The type of error or warning.
    • Where the error occurred (a stack trace at the point in the program’s execution when the error occurs.)
    • Where heap memory around the error was allocated (usually the memory allocation related to the error.)
  • ==31059== Invalid write of size 1: In the preceding example error, the first line indicates an invalid write to memory (writing to unallocated memory in the heap — a very bad error!)
==31059== Invalid write of size 1
==31059== at 0x4006C5: foo (valgrindbadprog.c:29)
==31059== by 0x40079A: main (valgrindbadprog.c:56)
  • The next few lines show the stack trace where the error occurred. These indicate an invalid write occurred at line 29 in function foo(), which was called from function main() at line 56
==31059==  Address 0x52045c5 is 0 bytes after a block of size 5 alloc'd
==31059== at 0x4C2DB8F: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/...)
==31059== by 0x400660: foo (valgrindbadprog.c:18)
==31059== by 0x40079A: main (valgrindbadprog.c:56)
  • The remaining lines indicate where the heap space near the invalid write was allocated in the program. This section of Valgrind’s output says that the invalid write was immediately after (0 bytes after) a block of 5 bytes of heap memory space that was allocated by a call to malloc() at line 18 in function foo(), called by main() at line 56.
  • The information from this error identifies that there is an unallocated heap memory write error in the program, and it directs the user to specific parts of the program where the error occurs (line 29) and where memory around the error was allocated (line 18).
18   c = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 5);
22 strcpy(c, "cccc");
28 for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
29 c[i] = str[i];
30 }

Advanced GDB Features

GDB and make

GDB accepts the make command to rebuild an executable during a debugging session, and if the build is successful it will run the newly built program (when issued the run command).

(gdb) make
(gdb) run
  • a GDB user can run make and start debugging the new version of the program with all the breakpoints still set. REBUILD
  • However, that modifying the C source and recompiling by running make from within GDB may result in the breakpoints not being at the same logical location in the new version of the program as in the old version if source code lines have been added or deleted.

A Few Commands


